Ultimate Golf Getaway: 4 Rounds, 2 Nights & $1500 in Cash Prizes! - Golf Event Locator


Ultimate Golf Getaway: 4 Rounds, 2 Nights & $1500 in Cash Prizes!

Event Details

Ultimate Golf Getaway: 4 Rounds, 2 Nights &  $1500 in Cash Prizes!
Date: April 11, 2025 12:30 pm to April 13, 2025 3:30 pm
Location: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Golf Course: Tobiano Golf Course
Host: Ray
Where to Meet us: Look for me on or around the putting green and then at the first tee 10 minutes before tee off.
Cost: $25.00

Who's Attending

Ray +5 Guests

Shellen +3 Guests

Sheilagh +3 Guests

Michael +2 Guests


18/60 Attendees RSVP


Check out this deal for a 4 round - 2 night April golf getaway to Kamloops. We will be playing Eaglepoint, Rivershore and Tobiano!

Feel free to call me at (7788371397) if you have any problems signing up.

The total cost is just $595.00 per person (tax in) based on double occupancy and an additional $175 for single occupancy.

Here is what’s included:
1 Round at Eaglepoint
2 Rounds at Rivershore (Shotgun Start)
1 Round at Tobiano
$600 Putting Contest (based on 60 attendees)
$600 Blind Partners Tournament (based on 60 attendees)
$100 per Day in KP prizes
Shared Power Carts at all courses.
Complimentary range balls at Tobiano
2 Nights at The Accent Inn

I have submitted a deposit to secure the hotel and tee times for our group and we can fit up to 60 players on this trip!

Please Note: You must sign up in pairs or pay as a single! I will not be involved in making rooming arrangements.

Friday April 11, 2025
12:30 pm – First group tees off on Eaglepoint
6:00 -7:00 pm Hotel Check in
8:00- 10:00 pm – Optional Meet & Greet at a local pub

Saturday April 12, 2025
8:30 am – Shotgun Start at Rivershore
2:00 – 3:00 pm – Second round at Rivershore begins
8:30 - 10:30 pm – Optional Socializing at a local pub

Sunday April 13, 2025
7:00 – 7:30 am - Check out of the hotel
8:45 am Pre-round $600 putting contest one foursome at a time just before each group tees off.
9:00 am – First group tees off at Tobiano
1:40 -3:30 pm – Optional socializing prior to the drive home
April 14 - April 21 Enter Your Scores for Blind Partners Golf Tournament.

Putting Contest:
On Sunday we will be hosting a $600 pre-round putting contest at Tobiano ( based on 60 attendees) . Each foursome will partake in the contest just before tee off for our first round so please arrive at the putting green next to the first tee 15 minutes before your tee time.

For the putting contest, we are going to use golf tees stuck in the green at 8, 16 and 24 feet. You will putt 3 separate balls, one to each of the tees in order starting with the 8 foot then 16 then 24.

We are going to measure in inches how close your ball is to each tee and the total distance in inches will determine the winners. If you hit the tee you will have 12 inches deducted from your total. The top 10 will win cash!

Please note: We will be combining and averaging the amount won if we have ties that overlap the finishing positions. (unlikely)

Here is the projected payout structure for the putting contest:
1st $174
2nd $102
3rd $72
4th $60
5th $48
6th $41.4
7th $35.4
8th $29.4
9th - $21
10th $16.8

Blind Partners Golf Tournament:
After the round we are going to scramble up all players that have submitted their scores, apply corporate tournament handicapping and place players into random foursomes. The top 5 teams (20 people) will win cash.

The projected payouts for each 4 person team are as follows:
1st Place Team $222
2nd Place Team $150.00
3rd Place Team $90
4th Place Team $72
5th Place Team $66

This is all based on 60 attendees. The prize payouts and number of winning teams will be adjusted if we have less than 60 attendees.

The cost for this trip is $595 per person tax in and is based on double occupancy. Single occupancy is an extra ($175) tax in.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:
* Reservations cancelled before February 15 will be subject to a $50 cancellation fee.
* Reservations cancelled after February 15 no refunds.

You must submit a $25 non-refundable fee when you RSVP. Every penny of this money is used for prizing.

After submitting your $25 RSVP fee, you will receive a link to pay the full amount once a sufficient number of participants have signed up. We will announce the date of this email to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to pay in full and secure earlier tee times each day.

As always, those that pay in full first.. tee off first each day.

This trip always sells out fast so please sign up and secure your spot


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